Learn The Insider Agency Secrets

"Getting Past The Gatekeeper…"

Ever get stuck when someone asks... "Is this a paid marketing service" or they say "I get calls like this everyday!" In this 1 hour training we will show you how to navigate these objections and get past the gate keeper.

Learn The Insider Agency Secrets

"Getting Past The Gatekeeper…"

Ever get stuck when someone asks... "Is this a paid marketing service" or they say "I get calls like this everyday!" In this 1 hour training we will show you how to navigate these objections and get past the gate keeper.

We all know that cold outreach is a great way to get new clients, but it can also feel really hard to get past the gatekeeper.

It can even feel scary because you're reaching out to people who don't know you and asking them for money. It can be even scarier if you've never done it before.

We have found that the first 20 seconds of a call makes all the difference in whether someone get's a deal or not.

That is why we hit the record button and went live for an entire hour going deep on this topic... Getting past the gate keeper.

If you just get 1-2 nuggets from this sales banter... It will be nearly impossible to not get an ROI.

You do not want to miss this fly on the wall chance to listen to me and my father go deep on gatekeepers.


  •   What to do before making the call… We will walk you through our pre-call rituals that help us to increase our chances of getting through by over 33%. 

  •  What to do if you immediately get push back This part will truly make you feel like you have a unique stand out product/service.
  •   How to standout from everyone else calling with the same message!

  •   What to do before making the call… We will walk you through our pre-call rituals that help us to increase our chances of getting through by over 33%. 

  •  What to do if you immediately get push back This part will truly make you feel like you have a unique stand out product/service.
  •   How to standout from everyone else calling with the same message!

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